Ronaldo Pucci

Ronaldo Pucci

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Attribute Wrangle March 16, 2016, 4:12 p.m.

Yep, the problem is only that.
I was out, doing some freelancer jobs and come back for the studies today, thanks for all your help guys!!!

Attribute Wrangle Feb. 25, 2016, 3:43 p.m. []
Hi guys I´m doing this tutorial(h15), and got myself stuck in this thing, maybe is just a simple and stupid problem but I can´t go on.
When I typed the

f@elev = ch ('elev')1

I got some errors and I can´t go on
The wrangle tell me the number 1 is wrong at the end of phrase
When I cut the number and go to the second part and typed
i@boundary = 1;
My wrangle is still telling that have some errors.

Thanks a lot guys for any help

Gear Tutorial Feb. 22, 2016, 12:27 p.m.

Hi Guys,
I made this exercise and got myself looking to know how to make the edges of Gear receive a scale.
I reach a good result and worked exact like I want but I believe that was luck and I´m still looking for the exact way or another to reach the same result.
At the end I put a node called Primitive and point them to my group and linked all the values of scale.
And Iwas able to scale the edges.
My question is is there another way ?

ps: Forgot the result here it is: []