Ryan DVS

Ryan DVS

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Houdini 5.046 Constantly crashes in Xp with geforce 4ti 4200 Sept. 4, 2002, 9:56 p.m.

I've installed houdini 5.046 on win xp with an Nvidia geforce 4 ti4200 with the latest detonator drivers. Houdini constantly crashes and I havent been able to enjoy the new version at all yet. In particular when I try to open oul houdini files -ver 4.035 it just crashes. There are some wierd video things going on as well. The some buttons were re-drawing themselves every time the mouse passed over them. I upgraded from a gf 2mx to avoid these video problems. I have tried disabling smooth line drawing and fiddled around with double-buffering and yet after a certain amount of time the H. still crashes. When did H 5.5 become available? maybe it has the solutions to my problems? -for now I dl the .96 upgrade and will try that. I may try to re-install the program again also. :?