Sergen Eren

Sergen Eren

About Me



Bad Homburg, Germany

Houdini Skills


I am currently employed at Redshift3d

Recent Forum Posts

Rotating an object to align with world space March 13, 2019, 7:26 p.m.

If you can create an orthogonal frame by two vectors (i.e. find three points orthogonal to each other) you can create an orient attribute. inverting orient attribute and rotating @P by this inverse orient gets you world rotation

Mantra vs AMD Threadripper 2990wx March 13, 2019, 10:25 a.m.


very interesting results in this topic. I'm also waiting for threadripper gen 3 to update my pc and will be on windows platform. I'm sure things will get better by that time but wonder if you had time to check coreprio (

maybe it can improve your render times

setting @orient with degrees March 13, 2019, 10:08 a.m.

what I usually do is:

matrix m = qconvert(p@orient);
vector zaxis = set(m.zx, m.zy, m.zz);
vector yaxis = set(m.yx, m.yy, m.yz);
vector xaxis = set(m.xx, m.xy, m.xz);
float amount = radians(degrees);
rotate(matrix, amount , xaxis //chose any axis );
p@orient = quaternion(m); 

to create a new orient with euler angles just start with an identity matrix