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Newbie question about adding nodes in the network pane Feb. 7, 2015, 7:11 p.m.

Ah, that's it, thanks! I was expecting that clicking on the item would work, but pressing return does the job. The video doesn't make that very clear.

Newbie question about adding nodes in the network pane Feb. 7, 2015, 5:44 p.m.


Brand new user here running (Apprentice license at the moment), I'm working through the Unity barrel tutorial video & am having trouble with some of the steps shown - when I try to add a new node (e.g. blast, fuse, group etc) directly in the network view I can open the tab menu & search fine but nothing gets added after I click on the node I want.

I managed to muddle through the tutorial eventually but the video made it look much simpler, as nodes could be placed directly after closing the tab menu (with a black outline to show where it would be added) - this part doesn't seem to be working for me. What am I missing?
