Stephane Beaudin

Stephane Beaudin

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Background images cut in half April 1, 2016, 3:21 a.m.

I am trying to model using a background image reference, and sometimes, the image ends up being cut in half diagonally if I turn off Auto Place Image. Houdini 15.0.393 on Elementary OS (Ubuntu variant) with a R9 280x GPU. It is typically fixed by restarting, but not always.

Unstable behavior March 29, 2016, 4:23 a.m.

I am getting some stability issues with Houdini I can't find threads on.

I am using it on elementary OS (Ubuntu variant) with a R9 280x ATI GPU.

I am trying to model something with a reference background image. First try, if I disable Auto Place Image, the image got split in half diagonally. Second try (log off, then log back on), the images did not appear at all. Third try, after full restart, everything seems to work fine, I import my object that I want to edit, place it properly, then, when I return to 4 pane view, there is no more grid or image in the Front View, and no more object visibility in Perspective View (tried shift H, nothing there). Tried exiting Houdini and reloading the scene, still the same. This is obviously not workable if I have to restart every 5 minutes.