Kelvy Fernandez


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Dominican Republic

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SOLVED: when I use attribute wrangle for alpha anything less than one and image disappears Dec. 19, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

the problem is not solved with your explanation, I get the object purple or disappears leaving only black edges

SOLVED: when I use attribute wrangle for alpha anything less than one and image disappears Dec. 19, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

I started Kenny Lammers Dropship tutorial, he used an attribute wrangle to make image transparent using @Alpha = 0.5; when I used this VEX the image disappears with any value less than 1 (one). I tried several times, same result

edit: the grid on which the image is applied via texture does go transparent, just does not have an image on it.
edit2: when I disabled the groups and transform, applied UV Quickshade to end node, it will follow the transparency amount I set in wrangle
edit3: got back on it and noticed when I am in GEO the image shows up with correct transparency, but when I go back to obj, it disappears and reappears when I return to GEO

final update: got it figured out. I had DISPLAY GROUP AND ATTRIBUTES LIST ON in viewport. turning it off corrected it.

I will leave this as is in case another newbie does this as well.

the problem is not solved with your explanation, I get the object purple or disappears leaving only black edges