Tomas Back

Tomas Back

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Ocean waves ---> wave tank Oct. 6, 2015, 8:57 a.m.

Ok, so no one can help me in that. Other question then :

I wanna get top parts of each wave . Ofc we got many waves on ocean with different height. So i got idea to :

Points of our grid got numbers , so it make it much easier , so we will start look by X .

1) we take 3 points (x-1 , x , x+1 ) ofc if x+1 is still in range of grid points
2) now need to look its any of that point is not on edge (not so hard do it by math)
3) if height value of x point is bigger than x-1 and x+1 we got top of wave , and we hmm change color of that point or something

next one we do same by Y .

Did i get in that way top curves of waves in my animated grid ? And then i can emit particle from them ? Can someone can tell my i think right ?

And if i think right can someone help me to put that idea in Houdini nods ? Or i can write it in python ? If yes can you tell me how to begin with it ? Or maybe some tutorial for help me with it ?

Ocean waves ---> wave tank Oct. 5, 2015, 1 p.m.

Little question about communication ocean waves with wave tank.

I Created ocean waves surface used 5 times ocean spectrum to get ocean as i want ( compare created surface to other one from different simulation , so was little complicated).
Now when i got that , i try to create wave tank who will get that ocean surfaces as surface. But i got problem with import that. Normal use object merge (ocean spectrum) and all work right. Now i got 5 ocean spectrum one by one , and each do something with surface. How can i import that that to wave tank in smart way ?

In end i need get particle foam from that (and that is goal ). I attach file with my project.
Or it's impossible to do it (in not so much complicated way) , and i need to chose one ocean spectrum to generate my wave tank ?