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VFX Artist



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Linux for Houdini March 30, 2023, 9:54 a.m.

I can recommend fedora with Gnome DE. It has some dependencies you need to install beforehand . And since I couldnt add sesinetd to startup I need to manually start every time I open the computer(it is not about fedora just my lack of knowledge). Other than that everything works fine.

I tried to install Fedora on my laptop with boot efi error.... I'll try mint

Linux for Houdini March 30, 2023, 7:49 a.m.


Is popos friendly to nVidia drivers

Linux for Houdini March 30, 2023, 7:48 a.m.

Hi, my guess is that most Linux distributions should work as long as the system meet the official installation requirements.

Since I'm free from requirements I'm using Debian 11. There is a converter for RPM files I think is called Alien. With that it was quite easy to get RenderMan working as well (only RPM:s are provided for Linux AFAIK). Debian has a good package manager called Aptitude (APT). Furthermore with Wine I got ZBrush working okay as well. This can be tricky with some distributions.

Otherwise some people mention Rocky and it should be some kind of CentOS equivalent belonging to the RPM side of Linux/GNU. I tried it once but the system was quite large to install in the first place and I have a need to be able to do small systems for other reasons. Probably Rocky is a good choice for Houdini since some developer has or still use it. If you are willing to pay for a license and get some support you could go with Red Hat Enterprise. They have some beautifully written documentation as well that require subscription and it could be worth it.

Thank you very much for your answer, I am trying to use fedora