Vadim Virvinsky

Vadim Virvinsky

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Texture map scale in principled shader Jan. 3, 2016, 6:25 p.m.

you can get into the shader, put a UV transform just before whichever channel you want to scale, and scale it from the UV transform node

That's what I've scared of, cause it blew my mind, while I was trying to understand the structure of principled shader's nodes and find which node and where it needed to be linked to UV node.

And thanx, guys! I'll try now to go deeper in it to solve this )

Texture map scale in principled shader Jan. 3, 2016, 2:43 p.m.

Try adding a UVTransform to the end of your object that contains the Principled shader. Then you can scale the UVs without scaling the object. You can also visualize this scale change in the viewport by following it up with UV Quick Shade node.

Yes, but this will scale my normal map too. And my goal is to not scaling normal map (it should stay at UVs), but tiling up only the base (diffuse) map.
Another way is there any method to tile up different maps in object. Or link different UVs to different maps in one shader.

Texture map scale in principled shader Jan. 1, 2016, 5:51 p.m.

Hi all!
Imma newbe in Houdini.

My problem is:
I've got a plate with UV. Added a principled shader with normal map on it. And i need to change a base (diffuse) texture scale. But it only reads this UV set and not letting me change the scale of that tiled map. I need UV only for my Normal map and the diffuse to be scaled and so on.

Can you help me this that, ‘cause I’ve spend a lotta time trying to solve that stupid simple problem (