Alex Duran


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Unit Tests generate warnings & Errors in editor March 18, 2021, 9:15 a.m.

We have the Version 1 Houdini plugin (if this is thought to be fixed in Version 2 we can use that, but it's unclear which is actually more recent due to having a 'new' version of Version 1)

The Houdini tests in the editor (defined in HoudiniEngineRuntimeTest.cpp) generate both errors and warnings for us.
The warnings are from the provided test content, InputEcho, TestBox, etc. These have hard-coded absolute paths in them to someone's 'D:' drive and always generate a warning about not being up-to-date.

I was able to address the warning by changing the code in UHoudiniAsset::CreateAsset to store a Relative path instead of an absolute one, and to reimport the test content. I'm not sure this is correct.

We are also getting errors in the tests - sometimes in the batch test
1) LogHoudiniEngine: Error: Hapi failed: Invalid argument given: Invalid id.
2) and with sometimes getting GEO back with 0 parts, but if I force it immediately to run again (via debugger Set Next Statement) it works

We are disabling the tests for now, since we don't really need them, but we would expect these tests to work (we have our own editor tests and run unit tests on the whole editor semi-regularly)
