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PRIM drive by POPS Nov. 29, 2016, 8:16 p.m.

thanks nima, ill adapt it to my next r&d when i got a time.
im really appreciate it. may i get your facebook account or email, here on indonesia, houdini artist need more backup project from master like you..
and sometime maybe, we can meet.

here's my email

here's my facebook acount
anto supri

thanks nima, for all, really appreciate it.

PRIM drive by POPS Nov. 20, 2016, 1:09 a.m.

big thanks, by the way,

im still figuring out to where you implement data for the popwrangle1,
is v@w= @torque is local variable? and for float Time Slider (timescale attribute), on the wrangle you wrote, where you get and set data,
i didnt see any set or get data setup for feed on to popwrangle1.? but the rotation is work, how you do that.

by the way, i found the last challange for this setup, this is my last request if you may,
i had create setup when it on popgroup, it will blown away by the turbulance, all was okay, but get trouble with the pscale,
because i feed the pscale by the age attribute
and when the particle is not on the group, the @age attribute have still running, so it wracked the scaling.

i had saw some tutorial about, setting time when it on the group and feed the result to the pscale,
but seems still not work.

lastly , may you implement the scaling of @pscale??
so it will scaling after it enter the group.

here my wracked setup

by the way, after this may we exchange facebook account or skype account, i would love to coop with you for some project on here, jakarta indonesia.
thanks my great teacher.

PRIM drive by POPS Nov. 18, 2016, 11:43 p.m.

hello nima, i had the rotoation think, but still not work, i follow other sample file using modified orient attribute, but still not working, and the orient attribute was not there(pop on dop)

can you help me with this,

the final goal is, the sphere was effected by color, then when got on white color, the particle was smoothly moving, and blowing, the rotation was follow velocity direction, and has random angle rotation.

this is the modified files and the pop rotate sample file