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How does uvsample work? Nov. 1, 2017, 6:08 p.m.

Resample curve by length, then interpolate ?

Rendering time raytrace vs micro poly and motion blur warning Nov. 1, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

I know the difference between raytrace vs micro poly (see

However, as I have limited resource to render I chose to render using micro polygons.
The scene has lots of transparencies and some heavy depth of field.
My scene combines some volume, polyline and regular transparent mesh geometry
All objects are using constant shaders (material builder), mesh material has a bunch of textures mixed together.

In my renders the micro poly renders 50% faster than raytrace.
I presume that is speed up i n performance is from running shader evaluations once only (instead of per ray sample)

I noticed that mantra started printing an error message on some frames (not all frames)
Camera transform blur not supported in micropolygon rendering
However when I render in Houdini I can see motion blur.
(micro poly raytrace motion blur on/off render the same difference)

Is that just a warning?
