Ashrafuzzaman KHALID


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Need Suggestions for learning Fluid Simulation in Houdini Sept. 4, 2021, 8:39 a.m.

Hi, SO as you guys can tell I am a newbie in Houdini. I learned Blender a while ago and still using it. But I wanted to dig deeper. So I am trying to learn Houdini.

I really want to learn fluid and particle simulations. I want to make Stunning VFX shots that you can see in Harry Potter, MCU, DCEU.

I want to start with fluid simulations.
I really need you guys to help and find me some tutorials about fluid simulations like those you see in Harry Potter...
I don't want the exact tutorial(It would be great if guys can find one, I tried I didn't found any...), also some tutorials where I can learn the basics and make my own fluid simulation like the movies. I really hope the tutorials are free...

I am asking you guy's help after days and months of searching on the internet. But as you guys can see I failed. So please help me to learn some new stuff.

Thanks in advance...
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