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Select keyframes in scene Feb. 1, 2015, 1:41 a.m.

Damn… I want to reescale a particular time range, to change the rythm of the animation in that particular area. I have some camera movements that are synced with some materials and transforms within objects…
One would think is a simple think to do. i guess ill have to reescale the camera and then go by hand repositioning keyframes in the other channels..

Select keyframes in scene Jan. 31, 2015, 8:16 p.m.

Hi im a Softimage user transitioning to houdini.
So far i love the software and all i can think of is how I didn´t try houdini before.. im adapting pretty well so far.
I searched for this but i couldnt find an answer to it.
How can i select all keyframes in a scene in the graph editor or in the dope sheet editor?, I mean, not only the ones at object level, but everything that exists in the scene (animated transforms within objects, animated parameters in materials etc.)
All i need to do is to grab all my keyframes and reescale them in the dope sheet, but i dont seem to find an easy way to do it.
Im pretty sure is very simple,