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Anyone buy Houdini: 101 Interface and workflow? Dec. 6, 2007, 10:25 a.m.

If you're happy with the Houdini 101 DVD, go to Garman's web site,, and you'll see he has a whole bunch of online courses he's created for Houdini. He's an amazing teacher (and cg artist). He's here in Beijing now, working with my company for a few weeks, and there are plans to expand his online school and offer more courses. His students are worldwide now, with some here in China, in Mexico, Japan, Korea, Europe. He provides forums for the students to ‘assist’ one another and critique their work. It's a pretty great package.

One warning; the 101 DVD was based on H8, and there are some changes to H9, but those should be easy to figure out once you have the hang of things from the 101 DVD. We used it here to train my staff, and it was the spark that got my company into Houdini (they had all been Maya instructors b4 I made them switch…).

Good luck. Check out Vizyacky if you have the chance…