Christian Murphy


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building_from_patterns node losing orient attribute data Sept. 28, 2022, 7:45 a.m.

Trying to use the labs building_from_patterns node for our ongoing developments, and we've noticed that when using Houdini Engine + instancing meshes for the building, it is correct in geometry form, and the HDA shows the correct orient data coming out of the node in the HIP file.
But when observing in Unreal, and opening the unreal scene in Houdini, the orient data for the building_from_patterns node is set to 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0

I've tried to dig into this and so far I think all patterns going into it are correct and it renders correctly in houdini , and in UE if you output all as geometry, it's just the points for instancing that this is affected by.

If anyone knows what could be causing this to happen in UE only with Houdini Engine, please let me know.

Other useful info
Houdini Core 19.5.368
Houdini Engine 19.5.368
Unreal Engine 5