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Depth map is only in Black and white April 28, 2009, 3:58 a.m.

They expect normal rgb images with values between 0-1 that are used as a lumamatte right?

If so, you can open your image in our internal compositor (/img) using a file node

you can use a channel copy to copy Pz to R, G, and B, and use an equalize node to set the values to a range of 0-1

Iv been trying to figure out how to channel copy the Pz info to R.G.B as you instructed, i just havn't got it yet. Could you show me an example hip file or screen shot of how you would have the nodes set up correctly. I appreciate the time you have spent on my questions, thank you. This is a fun learning experience.

Depth map is only in Black and white April 22, 2009, 7:10 p.m.


Depth map is only in Black and white April 22, 2009, 3:08 p.m.

your right, i didn't know what that tool was so i called it zooming.
I found a few of your other post about z-depth maps and such and found out how to save that info in an nice small .exr or .pic file format. so i need to ask a few questions.

do you have any experience exporting the “Pz” info to adobe after effects?
Or possibly saving the viewed image in Mplay to another file format like png or bmp? I try to save the Pz channel in mplay but it is a black image, not the the one in the viewport.