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VOP and SHOP? Aug. 22, 2002, 8:56 p.m.

For custom sliders, the best method by far in H5.5 is >>to use custom op types. See the character section in the “Tutorial & >>User Guide” from the Houdini help menu.

thanks for the tip - i have 5.5 Apprentice at home so i'll check it out there. i've begun modelling my first creature (in 5.046), and all i can say is i wish it was more ‘viewer oriented’ with regards to manipulating points on curves etc. i much rather prefer the visual approach of Maya when it comes to modelling, but i'll keep exploring the nodes (hehe oops i mean OPs and see what i can come up with.


VOP and SHOP? Aug. 21, 2002, 9:10 p.m.

CHOPs is basically where you can use it to drive/automate your secondary motion …… What's so special about all CHOPs is the fact that your original keyframe motion curve is still there while you're editing your motion curves. It's totally non-destructive and non-linear.


Thanks for the overview Alex - I've been learning Houdini for about a week (hehe newbie city) and am pretty confident with the interface but am struggling a bit with understanding CHOPs… the tutorials are a bit lacking in expaining why things are done the way they are - having said that i havn't been able to do them all yet ‘cause a few r missing

in Maya i could setup custom sliders for attributes of a character quite easily, and mix their animation for nearly unlimited deformation effects… this is kinda a seperate issue from Trax or CHOPs but i’m still looking for the Houdini equivalent… i can make custom panels but i can't keyframe those which makes 'em useless… i heard something about being able to make a custom panel through VEX but i was hoping there was more of a GUI method…

anyway thanks again and if anyone has any tips or links to CHOPs resources feel free to e-mail me.



Houdini Apprentice tutorial files Aug. 19, 2002, 6:59 p.m.

in addition to my last post there's a file i'm looking for from an earlier tutorial book: clockOpen.hip.

the files that are missing always seem to be the useful ones with a lot of CHOP work

