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Save groups as .bgeo's ? Feb. 22, 2012, 6:35 p.m.

Wow…. now I see how it works
Thank you very much

Now I try to do this from scratch…
Thanks again


Save groups as .bgeo's ? Feb. 22, 2012, 5:37 p.m.

hm… I'm not gonna get it working I think…
I set channel for the wedge node to: /obj/block/delete/group - which I think
is the group name that should change.
Because groups are named piece_0, piece_1 etc. I set the name of group
in delete node to: “piece_`chs(”../../../out/wedge1/wedgenum“)` ”.
And in Geometry ROP a set $HIP/a_$WEDGE.bgeo for Output File
and render any frame. And this is not working..

If I set channel in wedge to obj/block/tx (why?), output file in geometry ROP to:
$HIP/`chs(“../../obj/block/delete1/group”)`.bgeo and a frame range 1 to 82 (there's 82 groups), I get the piece_0.bgeo, piece_2.bgeo files with
correct geometry inside - so almost done.. but no
because some files are missing: piece_17, 26, 40 etc.
block_2 - not working
block_3 - partialy working but I don't know why )

I'm sure that I messed up everything


Save groups as .bgeo's ? Feb. 22, 2012, 1:12 p.m.


I got fractured geometry with some groups.
How to save each group as separate geometry ?
Manually I add delete node, choose group and delete unselected
and then save geometry on delete node.
But I need to automate this. I tried some foreach node followed by file node
but I'm really lame on this..
