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CHOP Missing token file import - eek! March 19, 2008, 3:25 p.m.


thanks for the idea, I upgraded to the latest version on Houdini. I still , however, get the same “missing token” message in the CHOP file node.



CHOP Missing token file import - eek! March 18, 2008, 4 p.m.


well I managed to test my files in H8 and they work fine, however I am unable to use H8 to render from as it is not mine.

Does H9.1 have a bug when importing .clip files into a chop file???

Any suggestions would be appreciated



CHOP Missing token file import - eek! March 13, 2008, 4:45 p.m.


Having a little trouble with a houdini8 file in houdini 9

I am looking to re-render an old project which involved importing XSI models/rigs and animation into houdini.

With H9.1.124 (apprentice) I have tried it in exactly the same way as I did in H8.1 which was by placing all my .obj's a .clip file (called trans.clip) and an hsc file (called scenesetup.hsc) into a folder called Export.
I would then save a houdini file in another folder contained in the same folder as export.
Running the command source $HIP/../scenesetup.hsc in the texport would import all my models and animations.

Now when I do it in H9.1.124 it seems to import the geometry fine, however the file imported into chops doesn't work anymore and get the message Error: Missing Token: “ = /someFilepath/trans.clip”.

I'm running houdini on gutsy 7.1

Any help would be appreciated, as I would like to tart up some old work to make a showreel and the copy of houdini that it did work on was at my university so I can't use that anymore - eek

Cheers in advance
