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Problem projecting curve onto NURBs surface along vector March 4, 2017, 11:54 a.m.

Thank you, i'll try boolean

Problem projecting curve onto NURBs surface along vector March 3, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

I'm trying to project a simple closed NURBS curve along the Y vector onto a NURBS surface, and the projection fails in some cases. See screenshot attached. In the screenshot, the curve is sitting below the NURBS surface and is surrounded in a green highlight. The failed projection is visible above that. Any ideas? I've tried super accurate projection with even worse results.

As a secondary question, i'm hoping to follow up the projection with 2 trims (one inside and one outside), so that I am left with the original surface ‘cut’ into 2 pieces, both of which I want to keep. My reason for doing this is to get separate surfaces on a piece of terrain. I'm having trouble getting perfect matching edges along the profile curve, particulary after converting it all to polygons further down the network. I'd appreciate help there too, or alternative suggestions if this is the wrong approach. Thank you
