Yi Yu


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the vop's constant node's icon makes me sometimes misreading Jan. 30, 2023, 3:07 a.m.

the vop's constant node's icon makes me sometimes misreading it. because it looks like a actually value set in the node, but it's not, so I have to read carefully the blue text above with more attention.
could you plan to change it?

is there possible to grab elements attrib to array? Dec. 17, 2022, 9:34 a.m.

Since houdini 19, Attribute Promote Sop has implemented a useful "array of all" method. Which is faster than using setdetailattrib() vex function. Since you want to store @P.y, you should first create a dummy attribute 'Py' as typing directly @P.y in Attrib Promote won't work.
This will just get the values into an array, sorted by point order.

To sort them by value, you could use the sort() function.
Check also the argsort(), which returns the list of indices sorted by the their values.

Note: these functions can be very cpu intensive.

it make sense, thanks!

is there possible to grab elements attrib to array? Dec. 17, 2022, 7:59 a.m.

is there possible to grab elements attrib to array without any loop in VEX?
say if i’m running a vex snippet in detail mode. I want to get a sorted P.y attrs into an array