Igor Bondar


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Mantra non rat error and IES Jan. 25, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

When I set MANTRA_NONRAT_ERROR=1 environment variable Houdini doesn't allow me to use IES files in light's Environment/IES map field and throws the error.
mantra: Texture ‘DMaps/IES/4.IES’ not in .rat format. Unset MANTRA_NONRAT_ERROR to allow use of this texture.

So since IES is a custom non-graphical format what is the workaround for that issue?

Particle Replication Dec. 31, 2016, 7:24 p.m.

How can the replicator node “Trail” replicate anything if nothing is connected to it's input?
Thanks qsc99 this solve my problem also .
It's possible due data attaching but was not very straight forward with particles.