Giannis Karagiannis


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Procedural Generation of 3D enviroments Nov. 12, 2021, 2:45 p.m.

Hello everyone , I am very new to Houdini and I chose to learn it so I can generate procedural levels (+ I work with UE and HoudiniEngine is very convinient for me). Althought I have found some very interesting sources for my subject ( WFC generated dungeons: [] / maze generation based on algorithm [] / and at last this tutorial seems interesting [] ) , all of them are based on the 2D generation. Before Houdini I did a little bit of reasearch into Grasshopper for Rhino, where I found a plugin called Monoceros and it does wfc 3D generation which is based on generating cells in a cube rather that squares on a grid ( . Does anyone know about the subject ? Is there a way to generate a 3D enviroment ( structure) (if so, could it be done with WFC and wang tiles, wich are very convenient) ?