Tim Selberg


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Point color to primitive color June 20, 2017, 3:25 p.m.

Thank you!

Makes total sense. I somehow thought Houdini was pro ngons… Seen many tutorials which made use of them not to mention the new boolean sop which seem nice except for the resulting ngons. Was I wrong?

Any tips on how to create the end caps to match the other geometry and end off with quads instead?

Point color to primitive color June 18, 2017, 8:21 a.m.


I'm a new Houdini user who would love some help transferring point colours to primitive colours while creating the actual primitive/polygon. I'm following the GameTutor course “Procedural Walls Part1”(http://www.gametutor.com/live/tutorials/houdini-unity/procedural-wall-in-the-houdini-engine/) in which I'm trying to create end caps with matching colours from the sweep node used for the rest of the geometry. I'm not sure if the creator of the course is experiencing the same problem, probably not, because the problem is sometimes not visible but instead dependant on wall settings.

Not sure if its something messed up with the colours, double geometry/points or if I am doing something wrong. Tried to create the actual polygon with nodes such as add, polypill and join. The creator is using the add-node. Tried to get the points cleaned up using sort, join, polymath, fuse, clean etc. Many different combinations… Trying to understand by looking at the Geometry spreadsheet. What really messes my understanding up is that its working sometimes and sometimes not although the colours on the points that I'm inspecting through a visualiser always seem correct.

On the screenshots you can see how it's suppose to look and how the different settings on the top messes up the colours(in this case I adjusted the “Circle Resolution” on the “wallBase” at root level. On the last screenshot you'll see how the point colours seem to be correct but still creating an incorrect primitive.

I'm also attaching the scene file.

I tried buying access to GameTutors course files to debug my problems but are waiting for there support since the accepted my money without giving access somehow.

Any help would be much appreciated!