Luke Whitehorn


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Binding attributes in shaders with input nodes at /mat level Oct. 25, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

I think your observations are correct, and probably make sense considering the behaviour of certain nodes when they do live inside of a material builder.
The $F in file paths example demonstrates this. You cannot have anything be time dependent inside of material, so you have to promote that up so you can have a parameter with $F. But building at the /mat level…there's nowhere to promote to.
I think the system should explicitly warn us about this like this, or promote time variable parameters in it's auto generated shader.

I, too, have had the experience of binds not being picked up inside a principled shader, and having to crack it open and exposing a parameter so I can feed in a value.

This is not very illuminating I'm sure, but you're not alone.