Álvaro García Martínez


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obj-image Tech Talk
Indie Storytelling and World-building in Realtime
obj-image Houdini HIVE
KineFX to Unreal Engine 5: From Combat Systems to Cinematics

Recent Forum Posts

Using Maya Nurbs to feed Hair Generate SOP Aug. 15, 2017, 1:45 p.m.

Any idea guys?

Or any tutorial, or advise of how to use the maya output curves as hair guides in Houdini 16?


Using Maya Nurbs to feed Hair Generate SOP Aug. 13, 2017, 2:21 p.m.


I'm trying to improve a pipeline where I do the hair sim in Maya and Hair generation in Houdini. However, I'm pretty sure I'm missing something because is not working. This is what I do.

Do the hair sim in Maya.

Export the Output curves as Alembic.

Import the alembic set of curves.

Add an unpack and convert to nurbs (they are already nurbs, but just in case)

Create a Hair Generate SOP and point these curves in the “Groom object” slot.

Any clue why is not working?


Tweak geo cloth or FEM in an specific frame on a sim July 18, 2017, 10:26 a.m.

Hey folks,

I was wondering what is the best way of tweaking the geo in the middle of a simulation.

Let's say that I'm doing a FEM sim and at some point the geo intersects with a collider, causing a weird deformation. I would like to stop the sim at that frame, use an edit node to tweak those vertices, and once looks cleaner, keep going with the original sim from that frame.

Any suggestions?
