Ghulam Mustafa


About Me

Design Wizard ✹ Making Magik Potions NFT collections
Advertising / Motion Graphics



Houdini Skills


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Recent Forum Posts

Macbook Pro - Houdini licensing issue May 11, 2020, 5:30 p.m.

Thanks hopeschroers. Had the same issue after traveling to a new country, I was banging around to run Houdini Apprentice. Houdini is now running. Woohoo, saved me heaps of time waiting for the support team to get back to me.

Thanks & Cheers

MacBook Pro, Metal, Cuda Cores & moving forward Dec. 3, 2019, 1:58 p.m.

Hey Guys,

I'm a UI/UX Designer and using a 13 inches MacBook Pro 2018 model which is more than enough for me to get the ball rolling. But I've really interested in motion graphics and advanced CG stuff. I want to make a transition to this field. First I decided to learn C4D but then I did some research and found Houdini is leading in the industry so I just started learning Houdini.

To get straight to the point, I will be using Houdini along with RedShift and Octane. But my MacBook doesn't support RedShift and Octane because it doesn't have any required graphic card neither it provides Cuda cores. Now I'm really confused to choose between Mac and Windows as Mac is no longer supporting Open GL and going to Metal. Should I ditch my MacBook Pro and go for iMac Pro or old Mac Pro. Or I should make the switch to windows and build a custom PC with RTX 2080 Ti. TBH I really really love Mac and never been a fan of Windows. So if I am switching to Windows it will be only for my passion for Motion Graphics.

So I've been really confused to make a decision and investment for the long term. For the time I have got a maximum of $3000 budget lesser option will be really great for me.

Please do help me out to make the right decision.

- Mustafa