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How to Freeze Noise on an Animated BGEO Sequence? Feb. 27, 2014, 8:02 a.m.

While I'm at it, I was wondering…

Is the same thing possible using the noise from a mountain SOP,
and if so how? Possible editing the VEX function code to pick up the rest attribute or something?

I've played around with trying to re-create a similar noise just in a
vopsop but the result weren't at all similar (aaflow, turb etc).

I've also tried applying a mountain noise to the rest attribute before
adding the rest attribute to the point position via a vopsop.

Neither was really satisfactory.

How to Freeze Noise on an Animated BGEO Sequence? Feb. 24, 2014, 5:59 p.m.

Awesome, thanks Milomilo!
I'd originally had the VOPSOP Importattrib importing the ‘rest’ attribute and feeding into the add & the aaflownoise.

I see from your VOPSOP that you apply the noise to the ‘rest’ then add it to the ‘P’ position.

I had all the right ingredients as you said… just in the wrong order.
Again, many thanks!



How to Freeze Noise on an Animated BGEO Sequence? Feb. 24, 2014, 12:10 p.m.

Hi, no - that's not quite it.

In the context of this posting, there is one animated bgeo sequence of say a walk cycle of a human mesh, I then want to freeze some deformation onto the geometry the moving mesh via some noise.

I don't want the animated sequence to ‘swim’ through the offset of the noise, but to have the noise ‘fixed’ to the mesh as it walks/runs.



p.s. the multiple fileIn SOPs in the example Hip file are only there to represent different approaches to the network I tried.