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Custom Operator Question (python) Nov. 15, 2010, 10:10 p.m.

Assuming that it provides a fairly consistent bonus for every physical class in a raid, we're boosting the

raid's overall DPS by a few percent WOW Gold []. Obviously, if you're

in a raid and you don't have anyone who can provide the major armor reduction debuff, Expose Armor is a

simple way to accomplish this goal Buy WOW Gold []. Mutilate rogues might have

problems working it into their rotations nowb Aion Gold

[], as they're focused on maximizing their Envenom buff uptime. Combat rogues can simply replace most

of the Eviscerates in their cycles with Expose Armor Aion Gold []
. Typically, you'll be able to weave in a few Eviscerates over the course of the fight via Adrenaline Rush

and lucky Combat Potency procs.

Parameter Warnings and Remapping Parameter Names Nov. 15, 2010, 10:09 p.m.

On a fairly standard 5-minute boss fight WOW Gold [], I recently

unloaded 15 Eviscerates. It would take me about 10 full Expose Armors to cover the major armor debuff for

the entire fight Buy WOW Gold []. If I substitute in EA for 10 of that

Eviscerates, I actually end up saving energy as well. As you can see, keeping up EA is not difficult, and

it buffs most of the raid's damage. On top of that, Eviscerate only made up about 6 percent of my overall

damage on that encounter Aion Gold []. Assuming I still

manage to work in 5 Eviscerates while keeping up EA, I would only be dropping that number to 2 percent of

my damage Aion Gold []
. I sacrifice 4 percent of my overall damage to gain between 6 and 7 percent damage for myself, and the

massive damage increase for the rest of the raid. That's a pretty easy decision.

ati cat 10.10 an issue? Nov. 15, 2010, 10:09 p.m.

Warriors WOW Gold [], on the other hand, deal entirely physical

damage, and so Expose Armor benefits them even more than it does us. There are nine caster DPS specs in

WOW, versus 14 physical DPS specs Buy WOW Gold [], which mean that we're

buffing a large percentage of the raid. Even tanks enjoy extra threat when a boss' armor is reduced. Do

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