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hou.stamp sometimes works and sometimes not April 12, 2015, 6:04 p.m.

Thanks! From this I was able to access the FORIDXVALUE within a foreach using a python node and then go about my business:

index = int(hou.hscriptExpression('stamp(“..”, “FORIDXVALUE”, 0)'))

Any other Quartz composer user can offer advice? Jan. 5, 2011, 12:48 a.m.

Node labels aren't visually labeled in Houdini, but I believe you can hover over an input and get it's name.

In Houdini, nodes take in a specific type of data, operate on that data and output the same type of data. The operation on that data can be controlled by input parameters, but in Houdini those parameters are not patchable in the graph the way they are in QC. You create flow control and logic graphs in Houdini using chop networks which you access from any nodes parameter using an expression.