Byron Slaybaugh


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Copy SOP without intersecting geometry July 15, 2020, 3:01 p.m.

@toadstorm - ok that makes sense. I'll look into getting the latest version then!

Thanks again for the scene file, I will see how far I can get based on the info you provided. I'm no math wizard, but we'll see how far can take it lol.

Thanks again!


Copy SOP without intersecting geometry July 15, 2020, 1:04 p.m.

If you wanted to handle the deintersection with Bullet, you can do so by setting the point attribute i@found_overlap to 1, and then putting your packed primitives through the RBD Bullet Solver with very high drag and no gravity. You'd need to make sure each of your packed primitives coming from the Copy SOP has a unique “name” string attribute… in the attached example I'm using MOPs Convert to do this, since you already have MOPs installed.
Thank you! That's definitely working, but I'm getting an error on the MOPs_Convert node for some reason. Also, is there a way to keep the animation of the points and still have the rbd bullet solver calculate the geo? Right now when previewing the rbd solver it works, but it's not animating (maybe that's due to the error on the MOPs Convert node?)

Copy SOP without intersecting geometry July 15, 2020, 12:55 p.m.

Hi there!
Unfortunately I don't have MOPs but You can use Point Relax for this.
Take a look at the HIP file below!
Thanks for the scene file! Unfortunately this approach still allows the geo to intersect each other as it animates