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rbd material fracture and rbd objects shelf tool - error on fetch transforms node Feb. 25, 2019, 2:56 p.m.

Using the rbd material fracture node for the first time.
Transform box and add material fracture node - then click RBD OBJECTS on the shelf.
The resulting fetch transform node in the box1 object has an error “cannot set instance attribute because the dop object geometry does not reference a sop node”. Is this something I should be concerned about? Also on the transform_hres node - I had to add a rest position to get the transforms to work…. I am surprised this had to be added to be honest. Is this the correct workflow?

python - how to create a hou.FolderParmTemplate Aug. 3, 2010, 1:38 p.m.

I have a node with an existing folder and I am having trouble referencing it .

basically instead of making the folder from scatch like so …

hou_parm_template = hou.FolderParmTemplate(“passes3”, “Passes”, folder_type=hou.folderType.Tabs, default_value=0, ends_tab_group=False)

I would like to make “hou_parm_template” reference an existing folder on an existing node
/out/myNode/passes is the folder on a node myNode
Not sure how to do this in python

Thanks in advance

sticking metacloud texture to moving particles Jan. 31, 2009, 11:45 p.m.

I think the noise not sticking problem derives from the billowy_smoke shader attached to the iso sop (which is bringing in the .i3d textures). How can I get the billowy_smoke shader to stick to the original particles as they move?