sohovfx sohovfx


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hsvg/hsvg: line 7: /hsvfg/hsvg-bin: No such file or dir.. July 26, 2013, 12:32 p.m.

Hey all,

It appears that the hsvg wrapper code is expecting the $HFS variable to be set in the global userspace environment.

I'm not exactly sure how hsvfg is being executed inside Houdini 12, but we wrap our application environments such that they are available to the calling application and not the system as a whole.

Thus when hsvg is being called here it's not finding $HFS for whatever reason.

This causes a number of errors in the application itself, icons and anti-aliasiing options appear to suffer.

The hsvg wrapper should gracefully degrade when the $HFS environment variable isn't found, or it should be called within the application environment space (again, I apologize if I speak out of turn, but I can't see where, or how this call is being made such that it would break the environment space).

I can certainly wrap hsvg and add it to our global bin path, however in looking through the shell code, Houdini must be calling hsvg directly, because hsvg is not in the Houdini path at all. hsvg's path is never mentioned in houdini_setup_* or So wrapping hsvg isn't going to work if Houdini is calling it by it's fully qualified path.

For now I've simply coded the HFS variable into the hsvg wrapper, but it would be great if this issue was fixed in the vendor code.


How to switch licensing between commercial and apprentice July 23, 2013, 2:26 p.m.


How to switch licensing between commercial and apprentice July 23, 2013, 12:08 p.m.

Hey all,

I've been trying to configure our Houdini install to allow users to switch back and forth between our limited H10 licensing and H12 apprentice licensing.

I've yet to discover a reproducible way to do this properly, however my SESI kung fu is now quite dated and has faded with memory. I'm hoping this has become easier over the years, as the last time I attempted this I had to manually do this per user.

If you have any insight please let me know, I'll continue to search and research the SESI documentation I can find to help me.
