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Mac OSX Port? March 1, 2006, 3:30 a.m.

but I really wonder if there is enough of a market for it…
macs really aren't as big for 3D as PCs (mostly because of graphics cards etc) and those who are doing 3d on a mac have already purchased what they need (maya etc), so even if there was a build of Houdini for the mac - who would buy it?…it's the same problem as now…people would have to /switch/ from something else to Houidni…

I am a fairly avid Mac OSX supporter and I would love to see Houdini on Mac, just as I would love to see many other programs on Mac.

However, I agree with arctor that if Houdini was ported for the Mac that no one would buy it - initially. But maybe after a while, Houdini on Mac OSX would be a very attractive option.

Its my understanding that the only way Maya made it to the Mac was through funding from Apple? Maya 3.5 was the first release and was largely unused. But from v4.5 onwards we saw figures of 25% of sales being on Mac ( admittedly from Steve Jobs: [] )

Would Houdini see a similar pattern or would this be unlikely because of it has a smaller market than Maya?
