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to write VOP network out to disk March 3, 2009, 10:52 a.m.

the above problem is illustrated in the attached .hip.

is u assign a material as is to your geometry - your IFDs, for each frame, will write the *whole entire unchanging* SHOP into each IFD.
in the attached .hip this is an odd 2500 lines per IFD
solution…thank-u sidefx support:
jump into the material, Rclick on surface and displacement VOPs, independently, and choose “compile VEX code to SHOP Type” and call it what u like, but so u'll remeber what u called it… j':wink:'
your SHOP Types now appear in the TAB menu, put them both down, select them and <SHIFT>+C to put them into a material,
remember-remember to add a *properties* OP in your material that has the displacement bound parameter
and to Rclick on u'r new material and “Promote Material Parameters”
now assign the new material to your geometry…tada!
now u'r ifd will only contain a reference to the compiled vex on disk (and your changed parameters)
the IFD is now 70 lines lines

to write VOP network out to disk March 2, 2009, 9:28 a.m.

it works if u have a VEX VOP Surface and u Rclick and “Compile VEX code to SHOP type”
then u assign this new SHOP Type to your geometry and the IFD will only contain a reference to the SHOP.
so how do i do this with a Material…?

…any :idea:?

to write VOP network out to disk Feb. 3, 2009, 2:26 a.m.

hi all!

i'm having problems with ginormous .ifd's due to them each contain the unchanging VOP shader network…
is it possible to write the VOP network out to file and have the ifd's reference that instead of embedding the VOP network?
kinda like the delayed read … with parameters

having a material in the SHOP network, you can R-click > compile to DA
alas you have to include that otl in the hip again and thus into the ifd …

thank-you for your comments…