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How can I control individual particles in DOP? March 8, 2011, 3:26 a.m.

I can use $ID at POP NETWORK. but, The POP OBJECT(pop solver) in DOP NETWORK is create just 1 pop object. It's not particles. And I can't use $PT or $ID at DOP NETWORK.

I want to apply wind nosie each particles randomly at DOP NETWORK.

How can I control individual particle in DOP?

What is wrong with this python codes? Jan. 19, 2011, 8:52 a.m.

I want to make python node for acumulative color from attrib transfer SOP(Cd) to some object.

I don't know what is problem.
thisnode = hou.pwd()
inputs = thisnode.inputs()

first_input_geo = inputs.geometry()
first_input_points = first_input_geo.points()

second_input_geo = inputs.geometry()
second_input_points = second_input_geo.points()


fi_cr = first_input_points.attribValue('Cd')
si_cr = second_input_points.attribValue('Cd')
this_cr = this_points.attribValue('Cd')

impulse_flag_attrib = this_points.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Point,“impulse_flag”,0)

if si_cr != fi_cr:
this_points.setAttribValue(impulse_flag_attrib, 1)
this_points.setAttribValue(this_cr, si_cr)
this_points.setAttribValue(impulse_flag_attrib, impulse_flag_attrib)
if impulse_flag_attrib == 1:
this_points.setAttribValue(this_cr, this_cr)

Where is the near/far clipping option of default view? Jan. 8, 2011, 4:55 a.m.

The clipping planes are now controlled in the Display Options under the Optimization tab then under then the Culling Tab. You can now specify which planes automatically adjust and which ones are manual and the corresponding values.

Thanks graham!