Ricardo Rey


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How to? achieve this in houdini July 7, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Wow, this is absolutely amazing! I was told about using the ray sop in another forum but I didn't know how to use it, thank you so much for this!
also found very helpful the way you organize your nodes, for some reason, I cant pack and entire biped so I'm duplicating the geo nodes and clipping the biped model in different ways but I'm still unable to pack it entirely yet, ill keep playing with it .

How to? achieve this in houdini July 1, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Hi! im learning houdini and a few days ago I found this and I really wanted to create something like it using Houdini, the problem is that I don't really find a way to do it and I'm kinda frustrated, my first idea was to scatter points on the base geometry and then copy to points a grid, but then I'm not sure if that could work or how to make a cloth sim for the grid which should be colliding with each other, idk maybe is easier that I think and im completely in the wrong path haha if someone can guide me a little bit on this little quest ill really be beyond grateful.

Cloth doutb Sept. 8, 2017, 9:19 p.m.


the target object can be found in the deformation tab just about where it was in the geometry tab (see attached screenshot).


Thank you a lot Marc! I haven't achieved the wanted results yet but at least I'm closer hahaha thank you again!