unixer0 Lee

unixer0 Lee

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Can't launch Houdini on Debian Based Linux Dec. 5, 2023, 1:26 a.m.

Hi guy, maybe i know how to fix it. I have a debian 12 system with houdini 19.5, everytime the crush happen with houdini start. error message is the same as yours, it's maybe a opencl problem, as i know, my system installed a nvidia driver v525.125.06, and NOT INSTALL CUDA TOOLKIT!so i did this:

apt install nvidia-cuda-dev nvidia-cuda-toolkit(you can find document https://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers#Debian_12_.22Bookworm.22-1)

Restart computer, start houdini, everything working!!! i don't know why it working, maybe this action install the right OpenCL file.
Of cause, disable HOUDINI_USE_HFS_OCL=0 in houdini.env, after install cuda toolkit, don't forget this.

At last ,if you need Optix work, install it by apt install libnvoptix1

Hope this is helpful for you.