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Caching over SMB to a NAS is extremely slow. Oct. 29, 2017, 3:14 a.m.

Hey so I recently upgraded everything to 10 GBE. I have a NAS that windows writes and reads to at over 350MB/s. When I cache to it though from within Houdini, (DOP Pyro VDBs), I don't seem to get anywhere near that speed. In fact it looks like it's saving files at 2MB/s. Houdini works fine when writing to local disks. What am I doing wrong?

Wiresolver driven by sop attributes Oct. 11, 2017, 12:57 p.m.

Hello I'm using the wiresolver to animate a whole bunch of vines opening up to reveal a brick wall. I want to use a point attribute to control the activation of a SBD Sprint Constraint over time so they're not all just being pulled at the same time. is this possible with the wiresolver?