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per-primitive texture map frame? Nov. 2, 2007, 8:41 p.m.

Steven! Thanks for pointing a newb in the right direction. That's exactly what I needed, and your example helped shed some light :idea: on a basic concept, which will take me farther than just this example. I appreciate your generous response. tysm – g.w.

per-primitive texture map frame? Nov. 2, 2007, 5 p.m.

Hi- I have Houdini Escape/Mantra.

I have a basic surface material, with an image sequence used as the Base Color Map (based on the frame number $F).

How can I offset the frame sequence per-primitive so that the image sequence is offset by a different number of frames on each primitive of my object, e.g. an offset of 60*$PR frames

I'm kinda new, and I tried to find the answer myself, but giving up soon and using another program if I can't figure it out.

