When entering the world of Houdini you'll quickly encounter VEX as an often used tool to solve detailed problems. At first glance VEX might appear to be an overly complex subject to tackle right at the start.

In this course, Houdini: VEX Fundamentals, you'll learn how to approach it as any other programming language. First, you'll explore the syntax and the programming environment. Then, you’ll discover how to become comfortable using the vocabulary of that language. For VEX that means using the available functions to read and manipulate the given data. Later, you’ll explore how to apply those functions in a vex-based project.

Finally, you’ll dive into creating a procedural Sci-fi corridor generator that relies on programmed decision-making to get built with your new tool set.

At the end of this course, you'll have the fundamental knowledge to use VEX as an additional solution for your workflows.



David is a Software Developer and VFX Artist based in Germany. Houdini has allowed him to combine his experience in 3D and scripting, taking both to new heights. He has a passion for sharing his knowledge and tries to do his very best to make a difference in the community.

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