Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Performs linear interpolation between the input values.

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Since 20.0

Linear interpolation is defined as lerp(a, b, bias) = a + (b - a) * bias. When operating on vectors and matrices, the interpolation is performed component-wise.


a: Float, Matrix3, Matrix4, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The first input value.

b: Float, Matrix3, Matrix4, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The second input value.

bias: Float

Bias values from 0 to 1 will blend from first input value into the second input value. Values outside of that range will produce a linearly extrapolated result.


result: Float, Matrix3, Matrix4, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The interpolated result.

See also

APEX Nodes