Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Gets a value from a dictionary.

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Since 20.0

This callback takes as input a dictionary, a key, and a default value, and attempts to retrieve the value corresponding to the key from the dictionary. If successful, the value output is set to the value retrieved. Otherwise, value is set to the default value.

The type of the value to retrieve is determined by the type of this callback. The following types are supported: Bool, Dict, DictArray, Float, FloatArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector3, and Vector4.


dict: Dict

A dictionary from which to get a value.

key: String

The key corresponding to the value to get.

default: Bool, Dict, DictArray, Float, FloatArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The value to return if no entry with key exists.


value: Bool, Dict, DictArray, Float, FloatArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The value corresponding to the key in dict. If no such key exists, this is set to the default value.

success: Bool

Set to true if value is returned successfully. Otherwise set to false.

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