Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Finds or adds an APEX port or subport of an APEX node based on a port name.

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Since 20.0

Finds or adds an APEX port or subport based on the portname on a given node in a APEX graph . If the portname specified is unique on the given node the port name can be directly used. If the port name has a matching input or output port then it is import to specify if the input our output is to be queried. The following queries and output port


And input port can be queried in the folling way.


If a subport is to be found or added the name of the given subport must be specified:


This can be combined with the input and output indicators


If the port can not be found or added the return port will point to nothing. The Convert<ApexPortID, Bool> callback can be used to check if a given node id is valid or not.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle Required

The APEX graph containing the port to be found.

nodeid: ApexNodeID

The APEX node with the port to be added or found.

portname: String

The name of the APEX port to be added or found.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle

The APEX graph containing the found or added port.

portid: ApexPortID

The unique port identifier, created at run time, representing the found or added port in the graph.

APEX Nodes