Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Finds or adds an APEX subport to a given APEX port based on a subport port name.

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Since 20.0

Finds or adds an APEX subport to a given APEX port based on a subport port name. Subports can be added to variadic ports that can have a custom number of subport associated with them. These custom ports get identified with a given name. When creating a new subport that name must be set accordingly. Certain nodes like dict::Build or skel::SetPointTransform require the accociate a specific functionality with the given subport name. For example graph::SetPointTransforms associates the subport name with a given joint that is to be treated accordingly.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle Required

The APEX graph containing the subport to be found or created

portid: ApexPortID

The APEX port that is the parent port of the given subport to be found or created.

portname: String

The name of the given subport to be found or created.


*graph: ApexGraphHandle

The APEX graph containing the found or created subport.

subportid: ApexPortID

The unique port identifier, created at run time, representing the subport in the graph.

APEX Nodes