Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Gets an element in an array.

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Since 20.0

Gets the element at the array index. If the index is out of bounds, returns the default value and sets success to False.


array: ApexDynamicPathArray, ApexNodeIDArray, ApexPortIDArray, ApexSimRootDataIdArray, BoolArray, DictArray, FloatArray, GeometryArray, IntArray, Matrix3Array, Matrix4Array, StringArray, Vector2Array, Vector3Array, Vector4Array

The input array.

index: Int

The index of the array element to get.

default: ApexDynamicPath, ApexNodeID, ApexPortID, ApexSimRootDataId, Bool, Dict, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The default value to return if the index is out of bounds.


value: ApexDynamicPath, ApexNodeID, ApexPortID, ApexSimRootDataId, Bool, Dict, Float, Geometry, Int, Matrix3, Matrix4, String, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4

The value of the array element to return.

success: Bool

Set to True if the index is valid.

See also

APEX Nodes