Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Adds keys to channels in a collection.

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Since 20.0

Takes a dictionary of channel names and keyframe values, and uses the information to add keys to the input channel collection at time.

The channels ports of this node are in-place ports, which means that the collection of channels is updated without creating a copy.


*channels: ApexChannelCollection Required

A collection of channels to which new keys are added at time.

parms: Dict

A dictionary with the key-value pairs:

  • key: channel name

  • value: value for the new keyframe

If the value of the dictionary entry is a vector, the key should be the name of the trio of channels with the component (x, y, or z) removed. For example, if the value is a vector whose values come from channels pelvis_tx, pelvis_ty, and pelvis_tz, its corresponding key is pelvis_t.

time: Float

The time at which to add keys to the channels.

addmissing: Bool

If set to True, any channels that exist in the parms dictionary but do not exist in channels, are added to channels.

autotangents: Bool

If set to True, auto tangents are enabled on the new keys.


Auto tangents are only computed by ch::SmoothAutoTangents and ch::CollectionSmoothAutoTangents.


*channels: ApexChannelCollection

The channels input with the new keys at time.

See also

APEX Nodes