Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Holds a copy of an input value.

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Since 20.0

Value nodes have multiple purposes. You can introduce a new value to the graph by creating a value node of a specific type, and then setting its value in the parameter window (press p to display the parameter window).

When a value node’s parm port has an incoming wired connection, the incoming value is copied by the node. This can be used to prevent race conditions when multiple nodes want to modify the same value “in place” (indicated by the square port shapes). Since the value node creates its own copy of the data, multiple copies of the value can be produced so that the “in place” nodes have their own copy of the value to modify.


parm: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexDynamicPath, ApexDynamicPathArray, ApexGraphHandle, ApexNodeID, ApexNodeIDArray, ApexPortID, ApexPortIDArray, Bool, BoolArray, ColorRamp, Dict, DictArray, FbikSkeleton, Float, FloatArray, FloatRamp, Geometry, GeometryArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix3Array, Matrix4, Matrix4Array, PhysikSolver, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector2Array, Vector3, Vector3Array, Vector4, Vector4Array

Value to copy.


value: ApexChannel, ApexChannelCollection, ApexDynamicPath, ApexDynamicPathArray, ApexGraphHandle, ApexNodeID, ApexNodeIDArray, ApexPortID, ApexPortIDArray, Bool, BoolArray, ColorRamp, Dict, DictArray, FbikSkeleton, Float, FloatArray, FloatRamp, Geometry, GeometryArray, Int, IntArray, Matrix3, Matrix3Array, Matrix4, Matrix4Array, PhysikSolver, String, StringArray, Vector2, Vector2Array, Vector3, Vector3Array, Vector4, Vector4Array

Copied value.

APEX Nodes