Houdini 20.0 Nodes APEX Nodes


Evaluates a collection of channels and updates a dictionary with the results.

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Since 20.0

Evaluates a collection of channels and updates a dictionary with the results. The channel names in the dictionary can be renamed using the renamefrom and renameto string patterns.

The dict ports of this node are in-place ports, which means that the dictionary is updated without creating a copy.


*dict: Dict Required

The dictionary that the channels update.

geo: Geometry

A geometry with a set of channel primitives to evaluate.

renamefrom: String

A string pattern used to match the names of the channels.

renameto: String

A string pattern used to rename channels matched by the renamefrom pattern. If the renamefrom pattern matches multiple channels, the renameto pattern renames each of the matched channels. For example:






Channels l_arm_tx and pelvis_ry are renamed to main_l_arm_tx and main_pelvis_ry

To match a single character, use ? instead of *.

renameto also supports reordering wildcards, for example:






Channel a_tx is renamed to tx_a

refgraph: ApexGraphHandle

An APEX graph that is used as a reference to determine the sets of channels that should be mapped to Vector3 values instead of Float values in the dictionary. Channels that match the naming of a Vector3 input to this graph (with an additional x, y, or z suffix) are mapped to a Vector3 value.

For example, if refgraph has a pelvis_t Vector3 input, channels with the names pelvis_tx, pelvis_ty, and pelvis_tz are mapped to a Vector3 value in dict with the key pelvis_t.

time: Float

The time at which to evaluate the channels.


*dict: Dict

The dict input edited to include the results of the evaluated channels.

See also

APEX Nodes